Bennie And The Jets Lyrics – Elton John | Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Bennie And The Jets Lyrics is an English song sung by Elton John from the album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Bennie and The Jets lyrics Track Number 2 is written by Bernie Taupin and Elton John.

Bennie And The Jets Lyrics

SongBennie And The Jets
ArtistElton John
AlbumGoodbye Yellow Brick Road
ReleasedFeb 4, 1974
WriterBernie Taupin and Elton John
CategoryEnglish Song Lyrics

Elton John Bennie And The Jets Lyrics

Hey kids, shake it loose together
The spotlight’s hitting something
That’s been known to change the weather
We’ll kill the fatted calf tonight so stick around
You’re gonna hear electric music, solid walls of sound

Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet?
Ooh, but they’re so spaced out
B-B-B-Bennie, and the Jets
Oh, but they’re weird and they’re wonderful
Oh, Bennie, she’s really keen

She’s got electric boots, a mohair suit
You know I read it in a magazine, oh
B-B-B-Bennie, and the Jets

Hey kids, plug into the faithless
Maybe they’re blinded, but Bennie makes them ageless
We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
Where we fight our parents out in the streets
To find who’s right and who’s wrong Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet?
Ooh, but they’re so spaced out
B-B-B-Bennie, and the Jets
Oh, but they’re weird and they’re wonderful
Oh, Bennie, she’s really keen

She’s got electric boots, a mohair suit
You know I read it in a magazine, oh
B-B-B-Bennie, and the Jets

Oh, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet?
Oh, but they’re so spaced out
B-B-B-B-B-Bennie, and the Jets
Oh, but they’re weird and they’re wonderful
Oh, Bennie, she’s really keen

She’s got electric boots, a mohair suit
You know I read it in a magazine
B-B-B-Bennie, and the Jets

Bennie, Bennie, and the Jets
Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, and the Jets
Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, and the Jets
Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, and the Jets
Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, and the Jets, the Jets, the Jets
Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, and the Jets


Who wrote the “Bennie And The Jets Lyrics”?

Bennie And The Jets Lyrics by Elton John were written by Bernie Taupin and Elton John.

When did Elton John release “Bennie And The Jets Lyrics”?

“Bennie And The Jets Lyrics Released by Elton John Feb 4, 1974.

What is the producer’s name of “Bennie And The Jets Lyrics”?

“Bennie And The Jets Lyrics” were produced by Gus Dudgeon.

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